diciembre 20, 2024

The Panamanian-flagged tanker Nestos (IMO 9417464) played a pivotal role in a search and rescue mission, coordinated with the Greek Coast Guard, to save a distressed vessel.

As reported by the Designated Person Ashore (DPA), the Nestos responded immediately to the call from Greek authorities, exemplifying exceptional readiness and unwavering commitment to maritime safety.

Through the swift and skilled actions of its crew, 73 individuals were successfully rescued. Onboard, the survivors received comprehensive care, including medical attention, food, water, and shelter, ensuring their well-being after the ordeal.

Panama remains steadfast in its dedication to maritime safety, adhering rigorously to Regulation 33, Chapter V of the SOLAS Convention. This heroic act underscores the Panamanian Registry’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding human life at sea, supported by robust procedures and a highly trained workforce prepared to respond effectively to emergencies.

The Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) commends the crew of the Nestos for their bravery and compassion during this operation on November 29, 2024. The PMA reaffirms its dedication to upholding international and national maritime standards, prioritizing the protection of human life at sea and the preservation of the marine environment.

noviembre 27, 2024

Panama has reached a historic milestone, registering 358 newly built ships to date, representing over 8.5 million Gross Tonnage (GT). This achievement reaffirms Panama’s status as the world leader in ship registration, surpassing historical averages and cementing the Panamanian registry as the preferred choice for shipowners modernizing their fleets.

noviembre 20, 2024

Dear Friend of Panama:

The beauty of Panama, its attractiveness as a second residence and as a haven for retirees, is now an open secret. Panama’s political, economic and social stability, supported by a highly professional entrepreneurial class, has turned the country into a great place for investment and living. The expansion of the Panama Canal, coupled with Panama being selected by multinational corporations for regional headquarters and other infrastructure projects.

The «Panama Beautiful» international real estate conference is co-hosted by the U.S.-Panama Business Council (USPA), the Panama Real Estate Association (ACOBIR) and PROPANAMA, the government agency responsible for international promotion. The conference will provide information on real estate residential properties in Panama City and in the Pacific beach area (Riviera Pacífico). It has been organized so that international real estate practitioners can observe projects and properties on-site, meet developers, forge alliances with local brokers, and participate in this growing market.

The conference will cover five days in Panama City that will include one day for tourism, one day for a property tour in the Pacific beaches, one day for a Certification Session on the Panama Real Estate market (ACOBIR), a property tour of Panama City, a forum of Panama Real Estate practices and the inauguration of ACOBIR’s Expo at the Amador Convention Center. There is also an optional program for Friday 24 and Saturday 25. Three options are being offered: A stay and property tour at a country club in Panama City; a property tour in the Western province of Chiriquí; and a property tour in the Azuero Central region. You may participate by completing the registration form and e-mailing it to uspanama@msn.com Should you have any questions, please call Amb. Juan B. Sosa at (713) 408-1767.

julio 8, 2024

Panama has been recognized for the third consecutive year as the “Best Tourist Destination” in Latin America and South America at the Leisure Lifestyle Awards 2024, organized by Global Traveler magazine and based on the votes of its readers. This award highlights the vibrant culture, captivating biodiversity and impressive architecture offered by the country, according to specialized critics.

Jennifer Janson, marketing director of Promtur, expressed her excitement for this recognition that fills the inhabitants of Panama with pride. Among the country’s outstanding attractions are the iconic Panama Canal, the charming Casco Viejo and its paradisiacal islands and beaches such as Bocas del Toro, San Blas and those of the Pacific, very popular with visitors.

Global Traveler, a publisher based in the United States, celebrates this award annually, highlighting the performance of tourist destinations and brands in the leisure, luxury and lifestyle travel segments. The reader survey was conducted from July 15, 2023 to March 8, 2024 to select the winners, reflecting Panama’s preference among retired people, digital nomads and various groups of travelers.

marzo 13, 2024

Durante dos días, 17 expositores promovieron los diversos destinos de Panama en la vitrina Anato 2024, en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia, Durante la 43ava edición de este evento, Promptur Panama informo que Panama recibió el premio Travelller’s Choice de Trip Advisor 2024, un reconocimiento otorgado a los destinos por los usuarios de la plataforma.

marzo 13, 2024

El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de España Jose Manuel Albares, realizo visita oficial a Panama país que se ha convertido en el Hub / Centro logístico de América Latina como punto de llegada de mercancía de todos los continentes por el Canal y su posterior distribución por vía marítima en sus puertos canaleros lideres del continente, vía aérea por Tocumen, el “Hub de las Américas” y los corredores transístmicos vía terrestre y ferrocarril.

diciembre 23, 2023

¡Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo 2024! Desde el Consulado de Panamá en Houston, queremos enviarles nuestros mejores deseos a todos los visitantes y usuarios. Que esta temporada esté llena de alegría, amor y momentos especiales junto a sus seres queridos. Que el próximo año les traiga éxito, salud y nuevas oportunidades. ¡Que la paz y la felicidad de la Navidad perduren todo el año! ¡Saludos desde el Consulado de Panamá en Houston!

#FelizAño2024 #FelizAñoNuevo #findeaño2024 #31diciembre #panamagram #newyear #newyear2024 #añonuevo #happynewyear #felizaño #felizañonuevo #felizañonuevo2024 #panama2024 #Houston2024 #Houston

diciembre 8, 2023

¡Hola a todas las maravillosas madres panameñas en Houston! Queremos enviarles un cálido saludo desde el Consulado de Panamá en Houston. En este día especial, queremos reconocer y celebrar el amor incondicional, la fuerza y la dedicación que cada una de ustedes aporta a sus familias.

Su papel como madres es fundamental, y admiramos la forma en que equilibran tantas responsabilidades con gracia y amor. En este día, les deseamos momentos de alegría y descanso, rodeadas del cariño de sus seres queridos.

Que este día esté lleno de gratitud y momentos especiales que reflejen el amor que merecen. ¡Feliz Día de las Madres!

#Felizdiadelasmadres #FelicidadesMamá

noviembre 23, 2023

En nombre del Consulado de Panamá en Houston, extendemos nuestros más cálidos deseos en este Día de Acción de Gracias. Que la alegría y la gratitud llenen sus corazones y hogares. ¡Felicidades a todos!

#Thanksgiving #Gratitude #TurkeyDay #FamilyTime#ThankfulHeart #HarvestSeason
#GobbleGobble #BlessedAndGrateful #GivingThanks#ThanksgivingTradition #ThanksgivingDinner #ThanksgivingMemories

octubre 3, 2023

US News & World Report surveyed 17,000 people throughout the globe to determine which countries are the best in the world to live in. It evaluated 85 countries based on 76 variables.

Numerous elements were considered when evaluating the quality of life, including education, health care, and safety. So read on if you want to learn more about the best nations to work, live and play.

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